The white stuff is a hard habit to break. I’d like to focus on a common addiction that many of us suffer from. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s try cutting back on sugar.
The pandemic messed us up in a lot of different ways. If we didn’t already have bad habits before, the pandemic became a gateway to really terrible eating habits. And who can blame us? Sugar is delicious.
What’s The Recommended Amount of Sugar?
The majority of the human race exceeds sugar limits on a daily basis, especially North Americans. It’s recommended that you only consume about 24g (maximum) of added sugar per day. That’s about 4-6 teaspoons. Shocking, am I right? I can guarantee you that most people have already gone way over this limit by the time lunch hits.
The Sweet, Sugar Reality
Western eating habits are brutal. Fun fact: There are ingredients that are banned in Europe but acceptable in the US. The majority of food items on our grocery shelves are just pure garbage. I highly recommend you reconsider what goes into your mouth.
Have No Fear, the Kitchen Wizards Are Here!
Work at your own pace and avoid putting unnecessary pressure on yourself. If you can only manage to do one or two steps, that’s totally fine. Any improvement is still a step in the right direction. You can also print this out and stick it on your fridge for future reference and motivation.
1. Don’t Make Drastic Changes When Cutting Back on Sugar
Don’t quit anything cold turkey. Cutting back on sugar is easier said than done. You want to ease your way into a healthier lifestyle. If you change things too quickly, you might end up binge eating Cheetos and Snickers into a depression.
2. Read Labels Like They’re the Best Damn Novels You’ve Ever Read
Read ALL of your labels. Yes, sugar isn’t strictly in sweet items. It gets around and it’s in items where you wouldn’t even expect it to be.
They market items as “low in fat” or “high in protein,” yet if you check out the ingredients list, they’re actually terrible for you. I could sit here for hours and rant about this.
If you grew up in the 90s, I’m sure you remember when yogurt was the “in” thing to buy. Check out how much sugar is in there. It’s absolutely absurd. Your best bet is to buy the unflavoured kind and add your own fruit purees and toppings.
Unfortunately, yogurt isn’t the only victim. The majority of the items you see at the store probably have more sugar than they should. This includes, but is not limited to, granola bars, salad dressings, frozen foods, baked goods, cereals, juice, etc.
3. Out of Sight, Out of Mind – Cutting Back on Sugar the Easy Way
If sugary items aren’t in your home, you’re less likely to reach for them. Realistically, do you really want to leave your nice, warm, comforting home just to grab a chocolate bar? Especially with these insane gas prices! I didn’t think so.
4. Say No to Fake Sugar
You do not want to enter the “sugar free” territory. That’s another one of their tricks. Aspartame, Splenda, sucrose, sucralose, etc. These are what we call “artificial sweeteners,” and they’re actually worse for you than regular sugar. I know it can be unavoidable sometimes though, so opt for cane sugar, raw sugar, palm sugar, etc. when possible.
5. Don’t Shop When You’re Hungry
I feel like you’ve heard this one before. When your stomach is growling, anything looks good. This is what I like to call post-apocalyptic shopping. You dash through the aisles and fill your cart like the world is about to end. Then, you go home and indulge in your schmorgisborg of junk. Eat before you shop!
6. Don’t Even Think About Looking at Candy
Instead of scoping out Mr. Big or Hershey’s at the register, maybe try having an actual human conversation with the cashier. Unfortunately, mints and gum are also included under this category.
7. Avoid Adding Sugar to Coffee and Tea
Use this as a chance to experiment and create a delicious potion! Pure vanilla extract and cinnamon go a long way. Even raw honey is much better than pure sugar. I recently purchased a vanilla almond milk creamer that didn’t contain any sugar or sweetener, and it’s really good!
For suggestions and ideas, see my other post here.
8. Avoid the Fancy Beverage Selection
This includes, but is not limited to, energy drinks, pop, juices (yes, even 100% juice), coolers, etc. Your best bet is to stick to water and unsweetened tea or coffee. There are a lot of fruit teas out there that you can brew up either hot or iced.
For an extra zing on your tastebuds, you can add fruit and citrus slices to water. If you’re feeling extra fancy, you can even squirt some fruit into sparkling water. Then, add an umbrella and drink it out of a martini glass. See? This life doesn’t have to be lame.
That being said, though, obviously if it’s your birthday, then go have that margarita, or 5 of them. The rules don’t apply on your birthday.

9. Choose Dark Chocolate Over Milk Chocolate
Dark has much less sugar than milk. The higher the percentage, the better. Keep in mind that the dark chocolate can be quite bitter. Start with a smaller percentage and work your way up.
You should still pay attention to the ingredient list, though. Some companies do try to sneak a lot of sugar in there to mask the nasty taste.
10. Make Your Own Sauces and Salad Dressings to Cut Back on Sugar
You’d be surprised at the amount of sugar that lurks in store-bought items. Have you seen how much is in a teriyaki sauce or a sweet chili sauce? I know this can be daunting for anyone who isn’t crafty in the kitchen. I encourage you to give it a shot to create your own sauces. Making your own will also give you the chance to customize each to your liking.
If you are feeling lazy, you can visit a health food store or the organic/natural food section of your grocery store. You may be paying a bit more, but you’ll be getting a much higher quality item.
Salad dressing is easy! For a basic one, you just need vinegar, oil, and some spices.
11. Protein Bars = Dessert
Yes, you are reading that right. I know it’s marketed as a health item but you have to be really careful. A lot of them are victims of false advertising. They either contain way too much sugar or are loaded with artificial sweeteners. Your best bet is to make your own bars.
There’s also something that’s been taking over the health world called “Energy Balls.” You can also easily make these at home.
12. Research Restaurants in Advance
The majority of us have the internet at our fingertips. If you know in advance where you are eating, you can always scope out the menu for healthy options. A lot of businesses have their nutrition facts and ingredients lists online as well. That way, if you do have a Tim Horton’s date, at least you can choose the donut with the least amount of sugar. Hint: it’s usually the most boring one.
13. Homemade Is Always Better When Cutting Back on Sugar
I know I’ve said this a million times, but it truly is the key.
Homemade allows you to have complete control over what goes into your creation. I totally understand that time can be an issue for a lot of us. If that is the case, you can always hit up a farmer’s market, health food store, and/or bakery. You’ll get quality products, and you’re even able to ask questions about what you’re buying. Some of them even have healthy, premade meals available.

The Final Word – Cutting Back on Sugar
Again, please don’t be hard on yourself. If you mess up one day, just start again tomorrow. Do what you can, at your own pace. Celebrate your successes! Indulge when you feel fit. As always, I would love to hear your stories!
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