Hello, Kitchen Wizards!
I’d like to apologize for not being as active as I’d like to be. Eventually, I’d like to post more, (daily is the goal, but we will see.) but it’s not in the cards right now.
I’m currently working on entering the workforce as a professional writer. It’s taking up a lot of time, effort, and energy. Unfortunately, it’s left me with next to no time to write Canuck Kitchen content. For that, I deeply apologize.
In the meantime, my Facebook page as well as my Instagram will have random content from time to time to quench your thirst.
You’re also more than welcome to contact me on my contact page if you’d like to collaborate, have an idea for a future article, or just want to say hi.
Hope you’re doing well and hopefully I can have some fresh content ASAP when things start to settle down a bit.
– Lisa