Please Note: My adventure in Antigua took place at the beginning of February 2019 This post has been revamped and revised to look awesome. For more awesomeness, check out our “Lifestyle” section.
Day 13: St. John’s, Antigua
As the Celebrity Summit docked at our final destination, I was overwhelmed with bittersweet emotions.
Since we’ve been on the ship for almost two weeks now, I already feel like I’ve acquired Captain Jack Sparrow status. A part of me wanted to stay on the ship (mainly so I could get my pirate licence with a complimentary eye patch), but another part of me was excited to go home. I missed my friends, family, and especially my crazy co-workers!

The Last Street Taxi: St. John’s Antigua
Our leisurely day began with another street taxi, driven by the lovely Maria. The scenic excursion was stunning (as usual), and we were able to share the experience with a charming couple from Texas. The world needs more friendly travelers like them!
The roads of Antigua were bumpy and definitely needed some work. I’m thinking of sending them a boatload (haha, see what I did there?) of Canadian construction workers. We don’t need an entire eight months of unnecessary “road work”. Every spring and summer, Canada turns into LA traffic.
Throughout the cruise, we were very fortunate with the weather. Today was the only day we experienced scattered showers. We even drove through an absolute downpour in the rainforest. It rains in the rainforest. Who would’ve thought?

As compared to the other islands, I noticed there were a lot more street vendors everywhere who were selling local produce. It’s unfortunate because I would’ve loved to bring back some Antiguan fruit! Regardless, the landscape was astonishing, and I can confidently say I got some remarkable photos.

Don’t Worry, We Made it to the Lunch Buffet
Following our tour, we just—and I mean JUST—made the lunch buffet. My dad and I ran from the street back to our ship. As you can tell, we clearly have our priorities straight and a good head on our shoulders.
I was quite shocked at the speed and agility of my “39-year-old” father. Sorry. That’s 39 and holding. I’m surprised he didn’t long jump over the ship’s security checkpoint. I’m not sure if they would’ve tackled the poor man to the ground or if they would’ve applauded him for the epic stunt.
After stuffing our faces full in a matter of 5 minutes, we headed back into the city for some calorie-burning sightseeing. Our walking tour experience was very similar to what we encountered in Grenada.
There was a pungent smell of sewage that wafted through the air. The streets were littered with people, and the pavement was beyond uneven. You could hear music blaring from all the bars. I really wish I had my Shazam app with me because I could’ve crafted such a sick playlist. Regardless of the aesthetically unappealing roads, the people were all very welcoming and friendly.

The Dinner of Champions
This night on the ship was one of my absolute favourites! The herb-crusted haddock at dinner (It tastes as good as it sounds!) was the best piece of fish I’ve ever eaten. After our main course, the chefs paraded throughout the dining room and we were able to applaud their work performance. It was nice that even the “behind the scenes” crew members got some recognition! After the “March of the Members”, I was face to face with one of my most beloved desserts.
Ladies and Gentlemen! THE BAKED ALASKA HAS ARRIVED AND IS READY FOR ACTION! If you have never tried it, you absolutely have to eat it before you die. It’s layers of ice cream hugged by sponge cake. The topping is meringue that’s burnt to perfection. I discovered this masterpiece while onboard our very first cruise. (MSC Poesia in Jan 2013) Back then, they brought out the dessert as it was already up in flames! If anyone knows of a restaurant that sells this magnificent dessert, please hit me up with the location!

Our night commenced with a performance by the musically talented group December ’63. Let me tell you, there’s just something about old music that just really hits the spot. These guys did a phenomenal job and I would love to see them in the future.
Antigua was a great port as an end to our journey at sea. Despite the occasional rain, I still got great pictures and we didn’t get too wet! Just one more day at sea and then it’s home sweet home.

What are you waiting for? Start planning your journey today.