Please Note: My adventure from Puerto Rico to Toronto took place at the beginning of February 2019 This post has been revamped and revised to look awesome. For more awesomeness, check out our “Lifestyle” section.
Note #2: I also didn’t take too many pictures on the journey home so I just added a few galleries of pictures during the trip to break up the longer sections of text. Also, who doesn’t love a good sunset?
Day 15: Heading Home
The final day has arrived. Hello, no sleep and uncontrollable anxiety! I wish I could fast forward through the day. Due to the cruise ship procedures, regardless of your flight time, they kick you off the ship before those Puerto Rican roosters can even wake you.

Let’s Have Some Breakfast
Let me tell you, that breakfast buffet was SO crammed. It was probably easier to navigate through rush hour traffic in Toronto. I’m honestly surprised we were even able to find seats… or even get food, for that matter. Everyone was scrambling (insert corny breakfast eggs joke here) to grab last-minute free food. All of our elegant passengers turned into savage survivors that morning. Feast or be feasted, there was no other way. It was survival of the fittest.
After force-feeding ourselves and offering our table to the next set of hungry lions, we gathered at the theater for one last time to receive our disembarkation information.
There we all were. 700 of us miserable looking Canadians. We were all dressed in our winter attire dreading our journey back home. Home where it’s too cold. Our parkas already took up a seat in itself.
After listening to information that no one was paying attention to (do you guys even know how early it was?!), we began our process of saying goodbye. I will definitely miss sitting out on the balcony writing away, the panoramic views, and obviously the food.
The process of all of us piling out went smoothly. Lucky us, we now had a whole 6 hours to kill at the airport. That’s plenty of time to rethink my life choices!

Let’s Head to the Airport
As the sliding doors opened, we dragged our luggage into the overcrowded airport. It’s 9 am, and for some reason, the scent of fried chicken wafts through the building. I don’t know who’s eating that this early in the morning, but they clearly have their priorities straight. After the search party of the century, we finally managed to find some seats outside. As we breathed in that last bit of Puerto Rican air, we braced ourselves for the long journey ahead.
This entire process left us starving, so we decided to grab lunch after going through security. My dad forgot the sunscreen was in his carry-on. We lost the sunscreen that day (as well as our mission prize from our pelican journey from Day 3). RIP sunscreen. You will be missed. Luckily, my dad didn’t get strip searched and arrested.
Anyways, the wait time for our table wasn’t bad at all (all things considered), but, they did end up seating the 3 of us at a table meant for 2. My mom relieved a free lap dance that day from yours truly as we both crammed together on the bench. With our luggage between our legs, we ate with our plates in the air because there was no table space thanks to the logic of this restaurant.

We wandered around a bit and soon, we boarded the plane and left ahead of schedule. Hey! A bit of luck is on our side… or so I thought. Because of our early arrival, there was no gate available, so we had to wait regardless and HOLY IS IT EVER COLD! It’s time to bust out the winter gear which is an entire piece of luggage basically.
Speaking of luggage, we found out later that our suitcases were missing locks. Apparently, the TSFA searched our bags and left us a lovely letter in there. I did bring back my body weight x4 in coffee. But, everything was still there. Bras did not go missing so that’s a plus. That’s way too expensive to replace.
Finally Reached Home Base
The happiest and best moment of the day was touching down at the Hilton Hotel. I cannot tell you how fast I gobbled down my California chicken wrap. Also, this bed was made out of clouds and love. I hit the pillow hard and finally had a decent night’s sleep.
Day 16: Home at Last
Before I take you on my journey back home, I have to explain this contraption of a coffee maker in the hotel room. It’s one where you can have a cup on the left and a cup on the right. (Basically, you have a choice of making one or two cups.)
We were completely exhausted from the journey the day prior. Don’t get me wrong, I love adventure, but we had way too many early mornings the last two weeks. My mom and I were looking forward to sleeping on a cloud and not getting up at the buttcrack of dawn. On the other hand, my dad has been, and always will be an early bird. He’s always up at around 5 am.
My Early Morning Wakeup Call
Now, my story begins. It’s early in the morning and my genius of a father attempts to make coffee in the dark. Who would even attempt that, you ask? This man. Anyways, little does he realize, but the maker was set to 2 cups instead of just 1. His mastermind brilliance has now just flooded the entire counter. Then, he starts having a full-on conversation with himself. At this point, all 3 of us are awake. So much for sleeping in… The best part? It’s my fault. I set it to 2 cups apparently. Also, I didn’t “show him how to use it properly.” Thanks, Dad…
So around 7 am, we head out to breakfast. I’m sure my dad was starving anyway so he’s giddy and excited to chow down on some morning goodness. Now that I think about it, this was probably his plan the whole time. He wanted us hooligans to get out of bed early. More time for food! I’m onto you and your shenanigans, Dad!!
My Favourite Time of Day… Breakfast!
Our spot of choice for breakfast was Perkins. I’d never had their breakfast, so I was excited to see what it was like. First off, their coffee was delicious. Don’t get me wrong, the food on the cruise ship was great, but this breakfast was BOMB! The bacon melted in your mouth, and the buttermilk biscuit was warm and the equivalent of what any Southerner could craft up.
I find that a lot of places mess up breakfast potatoes, but Perkins made them crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. I have no idea who works in their kitchen but they deserve some serious recognition.

By their register at the front of the restaurant, they have all their goodies on display! No, no, the waiters are fully clothed. I’m talking about the baked goods! I fell in love with the muffins. (It’s way too early for pie anyways. But, if you ever get the chance, try their Chocolate French Silk Pie.) Anyways, I needed the banana nut muffin and it was calling my name. I think they’re called Mammoth Muffins and they really are true to their name. This thing was a gentle giant and it’s about to make it’s long journey down to my stomach.

It feels great to be back home! I missed my normal toilet. It doesn’t sound like a T-Rex having an intense brawl with a vacuum. Now it’s time to get back into the kitchen!