Please Note: My adventure in the US Virgin Islands took place at the end of January 2019. This post has been revamped and revised to look awesome. For more escapades, check out our “Lifestyle” section.
Day Four: St. Croix, US Virgin Islands
I’d like to start off this post by answering a burning question. Yes, you ARE required to be a virgin in order to enter the island. Yes, that also means that everyone on the island is a virgin, and no, I don’t know how they reproduce.
Sometime during the morning, our ship docked at the port of St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands. Our tour didn’t begin until the afternoon, so we just explored the surrounding area by the port.
There were a bunch of tents with local vendors selling their extravagant goods. One lady was kind enough to offer us a sample of her homemade coconut candy. Despite having a love-hate relationship with it, I still lunged my hand in there as quickly as I could. I was amazed at how insanely delicious it was.
The other vendors had your usual generic souvenirs, so it was really nice to see someone bringing something different to the table… literally.
St. Croix Bus Party
After some lunch on the ship, we were off on our panoramic bus tour! Our guide’s name was Sammy, and he was easily one of the most memorable tour guides we’ve had. He suavely swished his hand and said “Boom!” at the end of every sentence. It was like he was dropping some serious knowledge.
The best part about him was that he thought it was perfectly acceptable to stop the bus in the middle of the road just to run off. He would dart off into the wilderness and grab some plants to show us.
The smell of burning rubber filled the air as our bus puttered through the bumpy roads. We made multiple stops and saw quite a few breathtaking views. Cattle and donkeys casually roamed the streets. Some were even galloping with the bus, and I felt like I was in the Lion King. It was truly an epic experience.
I won’t be revealing too much about what I saw on the tours. I’d like to encourage you to go out and experience it for yourself! Also, a written play by play is so incredibly boring in my opinion. If you do plan to come down here and drive your own car, everyone drives on the wrong side of the road, just so you know.
Evening Shenanigan’s
Winding down in the evening consisted of some delicious dinner followed by some apple crisp for dessert. The evening theatre had an adult comedy show, which was right up my alley! It was also formal night on the cruise ship, so I enjoyed dressing up. It also gives me an excuse to finally wear stuff I usually don’t.
Another Day Is Complete
I loved my experiences here in the Virgin Islands. I’ll definitely be back again someday!
Interested in checking out this beautiful island? Start your adventure here.